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domingo, 26 de enero de 2014


how to diet

The question is what is the right diet?  What should be the perfect diet for your weight loss regime?
You must understand that what you eat is relatively less important as compared to how much calories you consume. The junk foods are not the only delicacies that induce people to overeat. Many people tend to consume excessive calories through the so-called  healthy foods during the fitness regime and realize their mistakes when they analyze why the program failed to deliver the desired results.
Some people consume lots of seeds and nuts considering them as the healthy food. The nuts and seeds provide a high amount of calories and eating lots of them can defeat your weight-loss program as you are possibly not going to add that amount of calories by eating other foods.
Although  only a few handfuls of nuts would be sufficient for the women’s calorie requirements for the entire day, but they would hardly relieve your hunger. The ‘health halo effect’ of the healthy foods makes you believe that healthy food means less calorie content. Similarly, the foods shunned as unhealthy give the notion as if they contain excessive calories. The healthy and unhealthy categorization has nothing to do with the calorie contents of the foods and therefore, you must concentrate on the calorie contents of what you eat.
Once you manage your calorie intake, your weight-loss program will deliver expected results regardless whether you eat healthy food or the fast food delicacies which are termed as unhealthy.
Most often, people end up consuming more calories by overeating healthy foods than they would have consumed by eating their favorite foods, including special delicacies with lots of enjoyment as well.
You should avoid any such distraction by focusing on what is healthy or unhealthy. The total calorie intake is what that affects your fitness regime, and it hardly matters what is the source of these calories, as long as they remain within the program guidelines. No fitness program can ever provide results if you consume lots of calories.
You can eat whatever you like and still achieve impressive results from your fitness program if the calorie intake remains within reasonable limits. The solution for the best diet plan is quite simple. You can eat anything you wish as long as the total calorie intake during the day remains within the limits defined by your fitness regime.

sábado, 25 de enero de 2014


You have probably heard of the starvation mode term before.
Usually it means something like this:
When you do not eat enough food, your body thinks it is starving. To conserve energy it will then reduce the body’s metabolic rate and attempt to conserve fat by metabolizing lean body mass instead.
This might seem counter-intuitive. The whole reason your body stores fat is that so it can revert to burning it in times of famine.
In fact, when you eat very little food, what happens is your body starts to burn fat and keeps lean muscle mass, and that is why we lose weight when we diet.
Only if you get to critically low body fat levels and you keep eating too few calories, then your body starts to burn lean muscle mass.
Women reach critically low body fat levels when their fat content makes up about 13% of their total body weight.  This is very low.

Even models do not generally have fat levels that low.  Tests have shown that many models have 16% body fat, and that number has been verified on a DEXA scan.
The message here is that unless you have less body fat than a competitive fitness model, you are unlikely to know what “starvation mode” feels like.  Bear in mind that even if you did have a very low body fat content, you would still have to diet and further reduce your caloric intake for your body to think it was starving.
While it is an acceptable concept the idea of lowering your metabolism and losing lean body mass, women need to enforce an extremely low calorie diet and have very low body fat in order for this to happen.
One thing to consider is the notion of balance.  It is never good to be extreme about anything you do or you will face unpleasant consequences.  You cannot take dieting to an extreme.
For this reason, women should never severely restrict their calories for more than five days in a row and by the sixth day eat the number of calories that you are behind.  This would be an extreme diet.  It is even better to only eat a seriously restricted diet for two days in a row.
The goal is to create some deficit so that your body gets rid of body fat.  After the two days, when you eat a normal healthy diet, you essentially reset your system, restore your hormone levels, feel happier and healthier as well.
For this reason, John Barban from The Venus Factor advises women to severely restrict their calories for no more than five days in a row and by the sixth day eat the number of calories that you are behind.  This would be an extreme diet.  It is even better to only eat a seriously restricted diet for two days in a row.
It’s much better to know that you just have a few days of ‘dieting’ until you get to eat up vs other diets that only get more and more restrictive every day.


John Barban, one of the creators of the The Venus Factor System, exposes some of the reasons women NEED to diet and train differently than men to achieve real results. Filled with useful, practical tips.


  1.  Incorporate more cheat days.
  2. Substitute some of your carb calories out for imputing fat calories.
  3. Avoid estrogen-promoting foods especially soybean products.


  1. Stay away from exercises that create thick neck look, for exp. olimpic lifts.
  2. Use moderate intensity for exercise.
  3. Avoid weighted core exercises.


Do I have to do the Venus Factor workout routines to lose weight?
The good part about the system is that if you follow the diet plan, you can lose your unwanted, excess fat without even exercising. I, on the other hand, wanted to lose my unsightly fat while toning up my muscles, so I used both to my benefit. The exercises hastened my fat loss and strengthened my muscles.

My favorite exercise – this split squat will get your buns tight in no time : )
 The entire essence of the plan is focused on the point that it’s designed to help lose as much fat as possible while ensuring that you adhere to your carbohydrate, protein, fat and calorie needs.
I love the training, as it energizes me and make me feel good about myself. And, within a week of working out, I started seeing noticeable results that spurred me to continue with it. Basically, the workout plan consists of three strength training sessions each week and you do it for 12 weeks. There is a downloadable manual that you can print out and use as a guide. You may access the exercise videos using the hyperlinks in the manual. Each session can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of breaks or pauses you take between each set.
The workout plan is pretty flexible, and at first, I decided to split the session into two. I did half of the exercises in the morning and the remaining half at night. But I got so excited with the results that I started doing the whole session in the morning. While it was a little tough in the beginning, I truly enjoyed it. This could be due to the fact that I was doing simple workouts that were actually effective in helping me lose weight. And, I did not need any special equipment or gear to do the exercises – just my good old dumbbells : ) All I did was follow the instructions to the T and ensured that I stuck to


This system is extremely well designed and easy to follow. It’s also simple and flexible. As the weeks progress, the exercises can be challenging, but the results you see will keep you motivated to continue. I know that I found a few of them a little hard, but they were still doable. The diet plan that is part of the system is not tough to follow and I know that I did not suffer from hunger pangs or cravings with it. What I really liked is the way the program explains the different hang-ups women have when they are attempting to lose weight. I could identify with them, as I too had those hang-ups.  I also learned many so-called truths about dieting that I now know are actually myths.


Most fad diets talk about terms I’m familiar with: carbohydrates, sugar, protein and fat. But leptinwas something new to me, and it’s one of the key components of The VF System. Right away that tells me that something’s different about it, because I feel like I’ve tried every other diet before. Low-carb, low-fat, sugar-free, gluten-free…you name it, I’ve probably tried it.
Leptin is different because it’s a hormone that regulates appetite, metabolism and weight. Women who are overweight almost certainly have leptin resistance, meaning that our bodies don’t react to leptin the same way as men’s do. Our brains don’t get the signal that we’ve had enough to eat, which makes it way too easy to take in too many calories.
It’s ironic that weight loss efforts for women can backfire and turn off that leptin signal that we need to lose more weight! Not only that, but our bodies try to sabotage us at the time when we most want to lose weight, after we have a baby! Leptin resistance actually get much worse after pregnancy. That’s probably a big part of why I thought I ate far less than anyone else in my household but was still overweight and fought a hard battle to lose even a single pound.


So, are we doomed to be fat forever just because leptin works against me? Fortunately, no. I started using what I learned from the program about leptin to my advantage. Women actually produce twice the amount of leptin that men do! The trick is that it’s harder for us to access, so I had to learn a few secrets about it. How you eat affects how much leptin your body can use.
female metabolism chart


I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty skeptical about weight loss programs, simply because so many of them have let me down. That’s why I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the Venus Factor was something different and it didn’t seem like another gimmick.  Actually, I believe it’s helping me override my metabolism.
Also, let’s face it: I needed someone to hold my hand through it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to the grocery store with the best of intentions, only to find out that I really had no idea what I was supposed to eat instead. I’ve always wanted to eat the right things, but what stops me is often not poor willpower so much as confusion about what I should eat instead. That’s where the program helped me, thanks to the Virtual Nutritionist.
Click here to check out what real users shared about the Venus Factor.
a slim girl walking
While the nutrition component of the system could have been enough in itself, the bonus work out and exercise videos that come with it will help you not  just to loss weight, but  also get tighter, sexier body shape at the same time. I can see it’s slowly but surely changing the shape of my body.
Lots of weight loss programs that didn’t work for me did have one crucial component I still needed – social support. But since I’m raising my kids, it’s not always easy for me to get to group meetings. The program helped me with that too, since it includes access to a great online VF Community of other women who are going through the exact same process with me. We are able to give each other encouragement and share our victories.
I will say, at first, when I got the program, I felt disappointed. At the time, I was looking for a flashy celebrity diet and I wanted something that would help me lose all the weight in a month or so. Now I know that’s not realistic, but I can’t help but hope for instant results! I’ve been thrilled with the results so far, and the fact that weight has been steadily coming off now. I can now fit in dresses that I gave up on years ago. I don’t have to starve myself or take harmful medications. Now that I better understand the role of leptin and the physiology of the female body, I can outsmart my fat-hoarding genes and look like a sexy young mom again!


The Venus Factor is a diet and fitness system for the female body that has taken a new approach to weight loss for women. The program has quickly drawn the attention of women across the world  for its potential of reshaping the female body. Simply speaking, it is emerging as one of the most talked about fat-burning programs for women! Let’s find out what makes The Venus Factor so unique!


If you’re like me and like most women – especially women who have had children – you’re probably not happy with your body.  My body got too soft and squishy after having kids, and I’ve carried around more pounds than I want to be. Weight loss for women is often frustrating and largely unsuccessful, and when you manage to lose extra pounds, they just creep back on again. I’ve lost the same ten or twenty pounds a couple of times, but have struggled to keep it off.

Does it ever seem to you like all of the weight loss programs are made for aliens? Sometimes it seems that way to me, because they just don’t seem to work! No, I know they’re not really designed for aliens, but they are in fact designed for men.
But we are different because of the unique way the female body is designed to work, so that we can bear and nurture children. Our bodies are designed to store fat in the belly, thighs, hips and butt so that we can have a healthy pregnancy in case of a time of famine. If you look around your kitchen, though, chances are that you’re in no danger of famine! With all the ice
cream and other food in the freezer, we’d be well set for survival for a long time.