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sábado, 25 de enero de 2014


Most fad diets talk about terms I’m familiar with: carbohydrates, sugar, protein and fat. But leptinwas something new to me, and it’s one of the key components of The VF System. Right away that tells me that something’s different about it, because I feel like I’ve tried every other diet before. Low-carb, low-fat, sugar-free, gluten-free…you name it, I’ve probably tried it.
Leptin is different because it’s a hormone that regulates appetite, metabolism and weight. Women who are overweight almost certainly have leptin resistance, meaning that our bodies don’t react to leptin the same way as men’s do. Our brains don’t get the signal that we’ve had enough to eat, which makes it way too easy to take in too many calories.
It’s ironic that weight loss efforts for women can backfire and turn off that leptin signal that we need to lose more weight! Not only that, but our bodies try to sabotage us at the time when we most want to lose weight, after we have a baby! Leptin resistance actually get much worse after pregnancy. That’s probably a big part of why I thought I ate far less than anyone else in my household but was still overweight and fought a hard battle to lose even a single pound.


So, are we doomed to be fat forever just because leptin works against me? Fortunately, no. I started using what I learned from the program about leptin to my advantage. Women actually produce twice the amount of leptin that men do! The trick is that it’s harder for us to access, so I had to learn a few secrets about it. How you eat affects how much leptin your body can use.
female metabolism chart


I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty skeptical about weight loss programs, simply because so many of them have let me down. That’s why I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the Venus Factor was something different and it didn’t seem like another gimmick.  Actually, I believe it’s helping me override my metabolism.
Also, let’s face it: I needed someone to hold my hand through it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to the grocery store with the best of intentions, only to find out that I really had no idea what I was supposed to eat instead. I’ve always wanted to eat the right things, but what stops me is often not poor willpower so much as confusion about what I should eat instead. That’s where the program helped me, thanks to the Virtual Nutritionist.
Click here to check out what real users shared about the Venus Factor.
a slim girl walking
While the nutrition component of the system could have been enough in itself, the bonus work out and exercise videos that come with it will help you not  just to loss weight, but  also get tighter, sexier body shape at the same time. I can see it’s slowly but surely changing the shape of my body.
Lots of weight loss programs that didn’t work for me did have one crucial component I still needed – social support. But since I’m raising my kids, it’s not always easy for me to get to group meetings. The program helped me with that too, since it includes access to a great online VF Community of other women who are going through the exact same process with me. We are able to give each other encouragement and share our victories.
I will say, at first, when I got the program, I felt disappointed. At the time, I was looking for a flashy celebrity diet and I wanted something that would help me lose all the weight in a month or so. Now I know that’s not realistic, but I can’t help but hope for instant results! I’ve been thrilled with the results so far, and the fact that weight has been steadily coming off now. I can now fit in dresses that I gave up on years ago. I don’t have to starve myself or take harmful medications. Now that I better understand the role of leptin and the physiology of the female body, I can outsmart my fat-hoarding genes and look like a sexy young mom again!

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